Saturday, July 9, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

This song is supposed to be about a bad relationship where one person had escaped from a bad relationship. Makes sense. But I see something different. If one looks a little deeper you can see a different where the pursuer is the enemy. Now before you say "Oh you biblethumper you.." look at the message.

I know I can't take one more step towards you, cause all that's waiting is regret

This rings true to what waits if we give in to sin, to our temptations. Regret. The enemy plays with us, he knows our weaknesses, our temptations. He tries to woo us with false hopes and dreams. He doesn't dangle despair and devastation in front us us. Who would fall for that? No, he woos us with wealth, fame, pleasure, notoriety. And if we aren't vigilant against his tricks we can easily fall right back into the pit we may have just come out of. He's like an abuser in a relationship. As in this song.

And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore, you lost the love I loved the most

A ghost is insubstantial, a vapour of once was or could be. When the enemy has us under his spell we become insignificant against him. You see, if we resist the enemy and strive to do God's will, the enemy knows we can do damage against him. He doesn't want that, not one bit. He wants us to become a vapour of what we could have been if we had followed our true calling with God. I have no doubt that the enemy loved God when he was in heaven, like all angels doing God's will. But when he rebelled, he turned from God, choosing to follow his own lead..striving o be like God himself. He lost God, and I wonder if sometimes he is jealous that we have access to the Almighty like he never will.

I learned to live half a life and now you want me one more time

When we are thick in sin, we live only half lives. Think about it. Just like an addict knows only the call of their addiction, we too are controlled by our temptations, our sins. We never truly grasp the fullness of our calling. The sin anchors us. We are slaves to our sins. Sure we live..we breathe, we exist. According to the world's standards some even exist really well. What's wrong with wealth, fame, celebrity? That's the 'good life'...right? Ah, but that is the worst kind of captivity. Surrounded by the glamour, the ease of it all, one can drift so easily into the abyss..right where the enemy wants you. A person in that world begins to sacrifice God's calling for their own. Work more, earn more to attain more to enjoy more...more, more, more! The enemy has a great way of making you believe it will only be 'this one time'..whatever that thing may be, will turn into more and more. 'It's only a kiss' turns into a full blown affair and ends in divorce and devastation..which makes it that much easier to do again..just one more time.. 'I'll just try it once'..results in a full blown addiction..families torn apart, God's holy vessel trampled on..

Who do you think you are? Runnin' round leaving scars collecting your jar of hearts, and tearing love apart. You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul

I get so angry at him, the enemy of us all. How dare he? Who DOES he think he is? The nerve! I think we become so complacent with it all. And that angers me too! Oh it's so sad, yet another divorce, yet another teen lost to drugs and pornography, yet another pregnant teen, yet another person so lost, so very lost..yet another..yet another...Ergh! Enough already! All he does is leave scars! But we think that 'it's just life'. Scars are bound to! We need to refuse that! That is a lie that has been uttered by the enemy himself. We shouldn't be complacent with divorce, with intercourse before marriage...with gossip, with anything that goes against God! God is love. Satan is tearing everything good apart...but the thing is ..we're letting him! We need to be conscious of our choices, we need to be aware that what we decide here, has spiritual consequences. It does matter! We need to change our perspectives and see that it isn't the people that are evil..look who's behind it! I get so angry when people get angry at God for things, when meanwhile they sit in gated communities..protected from the evil in society..when they are so caught up in Satan's web they call it home! They don't realize that everything that happens here has eternal consequences. Sure, they haven't murdered anyone, they pay their taxes..but they have been blinded to God's calling on their lives. They don't know him..they may know about him..but they don't know him. And another tally for Satan. Really? It makes me so angry!!

So don't come back for me..who do you think you are?

We have to stand strong and say no! You have no right to come back and toy with me!

I hear you're asking all around if I'm anywhere to be found, but I have grown too strong to ever fall back in your arms!

Satan is persistent, if anything. He doesn't give up after losing one battle. He lurks, waiting for his chance to get you when you're weak. That is why we need to be strong in God to defeat him.You need the armour of God! "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.With this mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints (Ephesians 6:12-18). Love those verses! We need to be alert and stand firm! We need to wake up from the haze of this world and look deeper. See the world through God's eyes.

It took so long just to feel alright, remember how to put back the light in my eyes

When we have been in the pit, rolled around there for a takes time to heal. We have to trust God to heal us...let him debride us of all the hurt and lies spoken over us. We need to allow God to speak love and light over us once, we're not worthy, that is what grace is for. That is why Jesus died for us, so we can be reconciled to his Father. Thank you Jesus!

I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed cause you broke all your promises

I know I have said that I wish I never even went there. Never even stepped foot in 'that place'. We all have that moment in time when we wish we could just go back in time and change it all. I'm sure everyone has. I bet you Eve had that thought..."If only I never bit that apple..." We are going to sin, we live in a world of sin. The important thing is that we try not to, we try to live in the expectations of what God would have us do..His will, not ours. Because the truth is..God's promises are sure!

And now you're don't get to get me back!

Love it! The enemy and his gang will be back..guaranteed. But the fabulous thing is that once we are on to him and his ways..we can stand strong in God. God gives us the strength to face our enemy! Hallelujah! He cannot touch us! God's seal is on us! Oh, he can mess with us, but only if we let him. Be alert and stand firm! "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31b). We belong to God. We are holy vessels of the Most High. We are the apple of his eye. He loves us. "For I am convinced that neither death nor light, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39).

Maybe I looked too deep into the meaning of this song..but I'm thinking that's okay. That we need to look deeper. We need to wipe our eyes and clean our ears of the gunk of the enemy! Oh open our eyes Lord, allow us to see what you see and hear what you hear Lord! Wake us up to the workings of the enemy Lord, in our own lives as well as in the world Lord! Give us strength and courage Lord to face the darkness Lord. Be a lamp to our feet and light to our paths...for you are the living Word! Amen.

Another video I absolutely love called Destroy by Worth Dying For...We Stand!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I must admit when I read that and listened to the video it made me mad to think that we allow the enemy to woo us with his sneakiness. We CAN fight him and we WILL win. We need to have the love of God in us . Stand firm and be strong and give the enemy a taste of your medicine,the will of God, his love;his Word. You will destroy him when you put the armor of God on.
    Ephesians 5:17 Therefore do not be foolish,but understand what the Lord's will is.
    The enemy does not have any rights to you at all. Scriptures can be the ammunition used against him. We can fight back..God's will is for us to love him and turn to him. He only wants his children to come back to him.Let's not give the enemy a foothold to grab onto. Let us free our hearts and give it back to our God. God loves you!!!!!
