Friday, December 17, 2010

Salvation on the Mind

Long time no talk! I usually wait for the urging of the Holy Spirit to let me know what I should talk about. Lately the topic of salvation has come different ways.

First of all, I have been doing one bible study on Revelation and one on Daniel. Yup..deep stuff. This is my 3rd go at Daniel, not that I'm a slow learner, I just LOVE it. Daniel is full of amazing images of our God and the future He has for us (and a lot of behind the scenes stuff..angels and spiritual warfare). Very cool stuff. The Revelation bible study really makes me think of His grace, His patience, and His wrath to come to those who refuse Him. Most people are scared of the book of Revelation. Granted, there are unimaginable scenes, with dragons, beasts, destruction, and the end of the world as we know it..but it is also a message of hope and love and redemption. Basically, Revelation shows us Jesus taking his rightful place by God, and God answering the cries of the martyred saints by sending His wrath to earth. Okay, that still sounds a bit scary but if you've read the bible and even looked around nowadays you have to agree that God has given people many, many chances to repent. Back in the old days (Old Testament) God gave the Israelites sooo
 many chances, but they kept refusing him, turning back to worshiping idols, being sexually immoral, murdering, etc... Then Jesus came. "He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God--children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or husband's will, but born of God" (John 1:10-13). They did not receive him, they killed him. But he rose again and still calls to people to believe in him so that they may have everlasting life with him. But people don't receive him.

Our culture now is all about pleasuring ourselves. Just look at commercials..."because you're worth it"...if you drive this car, drink this beverage, look like too will be successful, conquer the world, be unstoppable....because it's only about you. Look at reality TV...they have no clue. My favorite series to help me illustrate this concept is "The Housewives of Orange County"...excess at its best. Life is about becoming rich, famous, thin, beautiful..pampering yourselves because there is no consequences. Either there is no God or if there is He will understand...after all, He's merciful isn't he? Makes me shudder. Now, the point isn't that if you're rich you are going to hell. The point is if you're rich and hold your money more favorably than God, you are in need of some repentance. If you give of yourself, whether that be money or service or both, and hold God to be Master over your life then you get the point. And it doesn't mean that if you are poor you are automatically saved either. It has to do with the heart of a person and his asking God to be his Lord and Saviour. It has to do with repentance and the grace of God and obeying God. It has nothing to do with finances, beauty, age, gender, or even with how much sin a person carries. Give it all to God.

Whew! God is so patient, so loving. But you must also remember he is the Ancient of Days and the Ultimate judge. There is so much sin and evil in the world...pornography, sex trade, kidnappings, pedophiles, murders, sexual much. Paul spoke of these days: "People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--having a form of godliness but denying its power" (2 Timothy 3:2-5). I know that sounds really harsh, but take a real good look at the news, our TV programs, the magazines and just see. Yes, there are good people in the world still. Ones who smile, are friendly and seem to give hope to the world..but if they don't know Jesus they still aren't saved. Maybe the world is too clouded with lies for them to see the Truth. As the saying goes.."The greatest scheme of the Devil is making the world believe he doesn't exist". Believe me, I know how hard it is to think that someone you know is not saved. You want to argue it out.."But she is so nice...she never has hurt anybody...she gives to charities and volunteers to the needy...she is joy to people around her.." Bargaining with God..."Come on God...just her...please?" Oh God does want her, and her, and him, and them... But she is the one who needs to answer the call. We can testify and be examples to those who aren't saved...that we might show Jesus through our actions, our words..and we can pray..a lot. You see God doesn't want anyone to be lost. Are you kidding me? He sent His only son to die for us that we could be saved! He sacrificed His only son for you..for them..for anyone that would come to know him..anyone..whatever the sin..anyone. Once and for all. It was done. Think on that. What would you sacrifice for your son/daughter, what would you sacrifice for your mom/dad, what would you sacrifice for your neighbour, what would you sacrifice for a stranger, what would you sacrifice for that guy that made you so mad, what would you sacrifice for a thief, a murderer, a pedophile....didn't think so. It's easy to sacrifice something for the ones you love, the ones who love you back..try to sacrifice something that you love so much for someone who is a stranger, and maybe a stranger who is dripping with sin. He did. Once and for all. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Thank you Father!

A relative of mine has recently been diagnosed with cancer. I have prayed for healing, as did many in our family. But more than healing I pray for her to receive Jesus as her personal Lord and Saviour. The hurt of the diagnosis is weighed that much heavier when salvation is at stake. Sweet Jesus I pray that she reaches for you Lord. I pray that she and her husband will be saved and also that he will look to God for strength and comfort during this time. It's all so sad. I'm sure you have experienced a similar situation. You want to just cry out, shake them, make them understand. But I think that would worsen their idea of Christianity! Oh Lord, your will be done. I feel so helpless. Or rather, that is what the enemy would have us feel. We have power and strength through Jesus Christ. Prayer is powerful. Prayers don't just float up into the air..God cherishes them. I learned that in the book of Revelation. Our prayers are contained as an incense in golden bowls at the throne of God "Each one [24 elders] had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints" (Rev. 5:8b). We need to recognize that as Christians we have power to inflict damage on the enemy. Praying is not, or shouldn't be seen as, a passive gesture, hoping God hears us, but if not, than oh's just little ol' me. No way! My bible study girls and me have been camping on the verses in Ephesians 6:13-18: "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests". One of the girls in my bible study noted that the sword of truth is the only offensive weapon against the enemy. The word of God inflicts injury on the enemy. Pray the word out loud people! I catch myself sometimes thinking.."Well. I can pray for healing and salvation, but ultimately, it's God's choice.." And yes, God is the ultimate decision maker but he wants people to be be saved. When we pray for salvation we become participants in spiritual warfare. Don't you think that the enemy wants that person to die unsaved? What purpose does the enemy have except to try to thwart salvation. He lies, deceives, tricks, conceals..anything he can to block us from God's saving grace. So don't think that you are powerless. Believe you are warrior in God's army. I'm taking up my sword..who's going to join me?

Anyone reading this who is has never committed themselves to Jesus and would like to, here is a prayer you can pray. Maybe you think you have committed in the past, but your not sure, it's okay to ask again. God doesn't mind.You don't need witnesses or nice gospel music playing in the background in order to say this prayer, you just need to be sincere. This is between you and God. He knows you and he's been waiting for this moment all your life :)

Dear Jesus,
I am a sinner and I have decided to put my trust in you. I want you to be my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me for my sins. I want you to come into my life, into my being. Lord, I want you to be Master over my life. I surrender all to you Lord. In Jesus's name I ask this. Amen.

Yay! The angels are rejoicing! As Jesus said..." there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not repent "(Luke 15:7) Now what you say? The adventure has just begun my friend! Read your bible, go to church (it's important to be around other believers), get into a bible study..find Christians in your area where you live and work If you live in the Grande Prairie area I would love to help you out! Leave me a message in the comment box!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, my dear GOD has done it again. He has used you , faithful servant, to let everyone know that this speaks truth.Turning to God and handing over everything in your life is far the greatest thing you could ever do. People wake up!!!!! What will it take????.....He loves you...Where others let you down time and time again;GOD our POWERFUL LOVING GOD will never forsake you. Think of it... Eternal life in a kingdom far greater and more magnificent than you could imagine.Where sickness and pain is no more.Where every living creature co-exist with each other along with mankind!!!!Wow...sounds awesome to me. I agree that reading (really study)your Bible and ask questions with other Christians is important; find a church you want to go to; meet other believers in study groups. It is truly amazing;the feeling you receive from God. You feel him everywhere.And you get to share it with others. Step forward and start your journey with the best there is: God.Get to know Jesus by reading the Word. You won't regret it ever.
    Good blog Lauralee
