Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Great Expectations

I had another epiphany, or an 'ah-ha' moment again. I was thinking in bed last night about our up-coming trip (only 8 days left, really only 7 since today is nearly done, or might be by the time I finish writing). I was thinking about where I started on this journey and where God has lead me. Tamara (mission leader) had asked me earlier on what my expectations were for this trip. I boldly stated that I wanted to see God move in a supernatural, powerful way that there would be no doubt that it was God in action. Yup, I go right for the good stuff. No messing around, I want meat and potatoes. From the beginning I have felt that God is calling us for something great. There has been an anticipation in my it knows too and can't wait to feel the Master. I have chills right now...for what I don't know, but I'll take it! Ah, use me Lord for your will, let it be done Jesus!

But as I was pondering, God began to reveal another truth to me. I realized my expectations have already been met. I have felt God more strongly than I ever had. He has spoken to me, and I swear it felt at times He was holding His arms like a father would rock his baby to sleep. He has moved in a powerful way that I have no doubt it was Him. I feel like God is saying...okay, and next expectation? I thought my expectation was really bold too. Now I'm thinking really? Really LauraLee? You ask that of a God who can move mountains? Who created the universe? Nothing is too bold or too big for Him. He really does delight in us! I have heard it before...but I really get it now. He loves us. No hear me..He LOVES us. He loves you. He adores you. There is no greater love. He died for you. Yup, you reading this. He wants you to know that and He wants you to know that too big for Him. He is waiting for you to ask it of Him. Have you done it? Have you sincerely asked with full expectation of the outcome?

I admit praying with full expectation is a tough one for me too. I have prayed with expectation that God could do this, if He wants, but if He doesn't that's okay. You know? Like : "Lord please heal _____ , but let your will be done regardless of the outcome..." I didn't pray with the full expectation that so-and-so would be healed. Was there doubt? Sadly, maybe. Unbelief? So harsh to write, but yes, that would be unbelief. In Mark 9:22-24 a man (a father) comes to Jesus to ask for his son to be healed from a demon..."...But if You can do anything have compassion on us and help us." (23) Then Jesus said to him, " 'If You can?' Everything is possible to the one who believes." (24) Immediately the father of the boy cried out, "I do believe! Help my unbelief." We need to cry out to God and ask Him to help our unbelief! I am snickering a little picturing this scenario. Not the fact that a father is desperate to help his demon-possessed child, but Jesus' reaction. " 'If You can?' ". I picture him looking at the father like "Really?...Really? After all I have said and done and still you think this one might stump me? Really?" I love it. So very patient. Do you think He ever got headaches during His ministry? You know those days where you just rub your forehead because it's been 'one of those days'?

I guess my whole point is that you don't need to wait for something extraordinary in your life before God will manifest Himself. You don't need to go on a mission trip to the other side of the world to find God present. You often hear of outstanding stories of supernatural works of God on mission trips. Is it because God is more present there...or are you really looking and expecting God to be there? Hmmm... Include Him in your life here and now. Expect Him to show Himself. He will if you are willing. Be open to the power of the Father. Praise you Father! I feel Him, do you feel Him? He's here and He's right beside you urging you to accept the invitation to participate with Him on an incredible journey. Include Him in your life.

Before I close, I want to say that if you are ever feeling dry, maybe feeling like the colour has drained a bit out of life. Go for a walk or a drive, put on some worship music, look at the clouds. Really look at them. The different colours, the depth of them, the texture of them. Jesus will be coming down from them one day. I often wonder what the clouds will look like that day. Will they be fluffy? Dark and foreboding?

 Next, look at the trees. Do you notice how their branches are raised and open to the sky like they are in constant worship and praise? Watch a sunset. Notice how the trees face it? How the clouds dance with different colours? Creation shouts with praise! He's waiting for you to notice Him. It's time to turn and look.


  1. I loved it! Expectations are huge in our life. If we put all our expectations on people we will always be disappointed. People are not mind readers or God to fulfill our needs. a few years ago I was letting go of my unrealistic expectations on people and then Father said to me, Lori, You can put ALL your expectations on me! xoxo Lori Funk

  2. This is awesome. Yes God is amazing!!!He certainly sets my world on fire with his Word. I truly look at the clouds and often wonder which cloud Jesus will be descending from?...big and puffy or huge and powerful? I love that God is our Sovereign God. He truly does love us no matter what the situation is or where you are. He is there patiently waiting to have his child turn to him and say..."I am here".. He truly helps you with whatever situation you have for him. Just hand it over to him...."Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden light" Matthew 11:28-30. A person may be carrying heavy burdens but Jesus can free you from these burdens;I know I had such burdens and now I am free of those that weighed me down.Many times I would place my faith in others and they would let me down, continually. When I accepted Jesus as my Saviour my burdens were lifted. Man he is so awesome.I feel so alive and praise him constantly. So yeah place your faith in Him. He will never let you down and will always be there for you.
    I agree you don't have to travel to the far side of the planet on a mission to find God, he is everywhere you go.You can do a mission in your own hometown. Go and be ready to fulfill your destiny God has planned for you... He is there waiting for you;ready to hold you in his arms. What are you waiting for?He loves you so!!!!! xoxoxoxoDelores Kruger
